I'm starting to suspect something here.
4 Comments Published by Colin Wyers on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 9:44 PM.
Lou has basically pushed back the timelines on the recovery of... pretty much half of our players who are actually good at baseball.
This is not quite Mets bad just yet. But I'm starting to think that Fontenot or Murton have non-zero shots at the opening day lineup.
Labels: Baseball, Chicago Cubs
Are you saying that Lou is purposely manipulating injury recovery times in an attempt to avoid having his regulars on the field until the final week or two of ST?
I can't imagine a professional manager doing such a thing. Nope. No way.
In all seriousness, though, if you don't see Fontenot and Murton making the team, does that mean Cedeno as the backup 2B in the utility infielder role and Fuld as the 4th OF?
Holy mis-reading, Batman. "non-zero chances" D'oh! That coffee can't brew fast enough...
Meh. We're talking about a minor shoulder injury to Ramirez and a broken finger for Soriano. You can put this kind of thing up there with spring performance in terms of things I don't care about.
Maybe the problem is that Lou had too aggressive timetable on these guys to start with. DeRo missed 8 days while having the diagnosis and surgery, had an incision made in his leg, and was supposed to be game-ready in 7 days????
Sori has a broken finger -- with all of the accompanying swelling -- and he's only going to miss 3-5 days? Maybe in a playoff situation, but in ST?????
Ramy could probably DH in AL parks (or Lou could volunteer to use the DH vs an AL team at Ho Ho Kam), but he doesn't want to make Ramy take the longer trips.
Lou needs to get real.