The Other Fifteen

Eighty-five percent of the f---in' world is working. The other fifteen come out here.

Ryan Theriot and four of his closest friends

Closest by similarity scores, anyway.

First off, credit for this idea goes to Harry Pavlidis, or at least credit for stealing it.

Second - this is junk analysis. I know that B-Ref does their sim scores in fluky ways, and they don't have a lot of the things (like height and weight) in there that you'd really like to have for this sort of analysis, much less something like sim scores. And I chose four players mostly because that's what made the graph look clean enough. So take this with a massive grain of salt. It's mostly a curiosity, like the geek show at the circus.

And I'm using OPS+, because it's cheap and its available. Average is a weighted average of Theriot and his four comps; the weight is plate appearances. [Weighted average, in this case, will tend to slightly overrate better players in our "sample" and underrate worse players. Again: junk analysis.]


A few notes on interpreting this graph: players are listed in order of their Theriotness, as judged by sim scores; Ryan Theriot is the most Theriot of any of them, and Buddy Rosar is the least Theriot.

Just going by his four top comps, we'd expect Theriot's OPS+ next season to be about 85. Again, take with a grain of salt.

And we can take a look at the same four players, this time by plate appearances:


Again, just going by his four top comps, we'd expect Ryan Theriot's playing time to drop to about 490 plate appearances; more of a super-sub than a starter. Again, take with a grain of salt.

What have we learned from all of this?

  1. I like graphs.
  2. Ryan Theriot is a white Tony Womack, according to B-Ref.
  3. I like graphs a lot.

But mostly, I like graphs.

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