Attention, Chicago baseball writers!
2 Comments Published by Colin Wyers on Saturday, April 12, 2008 at 10:31 AM.
It has to be hard to be a beat writer for the Cubs. Piniella mocks you in the post-game press conferences. The fans mock you on your own blog (unless you're Mariotti, in which case you can hide in your Hall of Doom while your lackeys do the dirty work). Sometimes you have to feel underappreciated.
Well, here's your opportunity to make up for that, in cold hard cash!
See this? This is the face of the President who freed the slaves and reunited the Union. He's valid legal tender, and he's all yours... IF you can do this simple favor for me.
Next time you're in a room with Lou in some sort of a Q&A forum, ask him if he's concerned about Theriot's slow start. Pie and Hill have been demoted for less, after all.
Labels: Baseball, Chicago Cubs, Media, Ryan Theriot
Unless you're Greg Couch, in which case: please stop writing about the Cubs. Or even just retire. Its embarrassing.
It wouldn't be so hard for the beat writers if they weren't so ignorant though. They deserve to be mocked.